The (Un) Official Aurora, SD Fishing Report from Ralph Kitson

Some of you were asking how is fishing in SD. Well, here latest from Aurora, SD.

My better half and myself decided to take a break from the new house chores last week and decided to go fishing to a lake that we never fish before, and was suppose to be really hot. We were swore not to disclose the name of this lake or pay the price for disclosing it (death by leeches). Anyway, we went out to this lake and we were the second in parking lot to head to fish. We fished all day long a came up with two walleyes. One was Char’s best coming in at 22 inches. When we quit for the day, the parking area was about a quarter full.

The decision this week was to go to the secret lake again, because maybe we didn’t use the right bait, technique, or fishing in the wrong area when went out there the last week. So today as were driving North out of Arlington on Hwy 81 at 6:30 AM, we happy that we kept this lake a secret, because it looks like a beautiful day to go fishing. As we approach the launch area for the lake (on the West side of Hwy 81), parking area was already a third full. We pull into the waiting to get on the lake. The wait was relative short (almost as short as to get off the lake). I know someone cannot keep a secret about this lake, but it was not us.

We headed over to the area where we pulled in the two walleyes last week. Char was the first catch a fish, which was a 11 inch perch. However, fishing was slow all day. By the end of the day, we have eight perch ranging from 10 inches to 11.5 inches and no walleyes. In the end, it was good day. It was better than doing chores around the new house.

Oh by the way, I heard about another hot lake that I swore to keep secret. If I disclose the name of this lake, it would be death by leeches. However, I did make one twist to this agreement secret. If lake is not “hot”, it would be his death by leeches and I can use those leeches for bait.

Best of luck out on the water and be safe.

Ralph K.

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