Lake Winnipeg – Border Crossing without issues

One of the hottest fall and winter fishing destinations over the past few years has been Lake Winnipeg. Anglers travel to Southern Manitoba in search of a fish called the Greenback walleye.

You will need to make sure you have a current passport. There are two different passport options: a card and a traditional passport book. Both are acceptable for crossing the border by land. If traveling by air, you will need the passport book. Obtaining a passport (book or card) takes between 4-6 weeks. If you have had any convictions, you will also need to make special arrangements before entering Canada.

About 10 years ago, the need for a passport to cross borders was mandated. Passports need to be renewed every ten years. So, if yours is about to expire, make sure to get it renewed well before you leave for your trip.

If you are making the trip with a minor, we highly suggest that each minor have a note signed by both of their parents listing who their parents are, who the minor is traveling with, departure and return dates, reason for travel and their intended destination.

Keep in mind most places do not accept US currency. This leaves you two options in which to pay for goods and services. The easiest method is to use a credit card. The credit card company will take care of making the conversions automatically on your statement. I do suggest that you contact your credit card company prior to the trip to inform them that you will be making a trip to Canada. The other option is to pay with cash. You will need to stop at a bank to exchange your currency. Some border crossing towns also have exchange services for your convenience.

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