The WalleyeWisdom.com team headed up to Golden Eagle Resort on Lake Lac Seul the first week of June, 2012. Alma and Scott Angove hosted Gary, Chris, Matt, Tim and the two Dave’s for six days of hardcore fishing. The first five days saw beautiful weather with water temps in the low 70’s. The crankbait bite was definitely on. Most fish were caught trolling Rapala Shad Raps in 5 and 7 sizes or Husky Jerks out on open water. The last day the crew experienced heavy rain all day but were still able to catch numerous big walleyes and pike! Carl, Casey, and Bill Seidler joined the team this year
and had outstanding fishing from a lodge boat. Please watch the coming video coverage and look at the great pics they took during the week!
- Lac Seul 2012 group photo at Golden Eagle Resort
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