Press Citizen. A fatal fall through the ice near Montezuma on Saturday underscored the risk, before most ice anglers had even stepped for the first time this season. By midweek around here, several days of temperatures in the single digits to teens had added a little more heft to the early ice sheet on Lake…
Monthly Archives: December 2013
Stef’s Story – Part II
by Mike Ganzeveld •
Post by The Outdoor Report.
Outdoor-Focused Devotional Now Available—Reflections Under the Big Pine
by Mike Ganzeveld •

Minneapolis, Minn. (December 2, 2013) – Authors K.J. Houtman and Bill Miller teamed up to write their newest book, Reflections Under the Big Pine. Published by Fish On Marketing, the 208-page Christian devotional is now available in paperback and e-book for Kindle. Sometimes referred to as “the thin places,” Houtman and Miller highlight locations, moments,…